Luxury is not a commodity, it can’t be bought nor sold. Luxury can only be sensed by a restricted few who will always feel great to be included
Coco Chanel said it very rightfully: Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity.
Nowadays, the concept of fine dining luxury is as personal as it is digital. Online channels became a primary source for potential customers to learn about and engage with fine dining restaurants.
Knowing how to leverage digital marketing prior and during the launch of a new venue becomes an essential reality.
Intertwining traditional recipes with modern presentation Is what has inspired us to craft our strategy for DG as to convey a dynamic and rich dining experience. This would be the foundation of our brand DNA
Renaissance Art goes in perfect synergy with what DG has to offer:
It is perceived as the noblest of ancient traditionsIt took as its foundation the art of Classical antiquity but it transformed that tradition into a more modern look and feel.